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Hi! I’m Connie Hu, Junior at NYU Shanghai
Comp Sci and Interactive Media Arts 

Actively looking for summer internships
Roles: Software Engineer or Creative Technologist or Technical Project Manager.

Always looking to push the boundaries on how we interact with tech!
*special interests in open sourced projects, ML and accessibility.

email (preferred): [email protected]
Phone(U.S): +1 512-696-7286

Github: [<>](<>)

<aside> <img src="/icons/hourglass_gray.svg" alt="/icons/hourglass_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Portfolio website in development! Link will be added here when live.


<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Resume Below



Selected Works

ml5 KeyPoints Tool (ML Education Tool) (2023)

p5 Debug (Chrome Extension, Edu Tool) (2023)

BitBot (Educational Robotics Toy) (2022)

Drum Machine! (2022-2023)

Project Mjolnir VIP at NYU Tandon (2023)

Post-Human Research (Philosophy) - (2022)