One Sentence Description (Abstract)

ml5 KeyPoints: A tool to help beginners get started with using ml5 pose estimation models in their creative coding projects! Also great for quick prototyping for experienced users!

Quick Links

<aside> <img src="/icons/view_gray.svg" alt="/icons/view_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Full Screen Sketch


<aside> <img src="/icons/code_gray.svg" alt="/icons/code_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Final Sketch With Code


<aside> 💡 Final Presentation Slides Preview Below


Github Repo (for later reference):

GitHub - ch3926/p5-web-debugger at extension

Project Summary

ml5 KeyPoints tool is a tool that I made that will simplify the process of selecting which keyPoints to act on when using ml5 pose Models such as handPose, face api, poseNet. The basic Idea is to have a interactive configurator tool that would allow users to toggle certain keyPoints on and off. Additionally, their selections will determine what the resulting code block for the keypoints consists of.

The tool also gives the user the ability to preview (live video feed) how the keyPoints change as they de-select and re-select points. Finally, I also made a template that the user can paste their functions generated by the KeyPoints tool into. Using the p5.js web editor, users can make their own copies and manipulate them however they wish. I hope that with some improvements this tool can become more suitable for educational purposes, support more models, and become an overall more robust tool.

Process Documentation

This slide in my presentation summarizes my process pretty well


Here I will elaborate on some points.